Day Nursery, Pre-School and Out of Schools
Day Nursery, Pre-School and Out of Schools


7am - 8.30am


Children are welcomed into their individual rooms within the Nursery which are set up with a range of activities for the start of the day.  Breakfast is served during this time as and when children arrive. 




8.30am - 11.30am


Opportunities for play, exploration and discovery both indoors or in our range of outside play areas continues throughout the morning, stopping briefly for a morning snack and refreshment to refuel until lunchtime.




Dinner is served in our individual rooms where the children are able to enjoy meals with their friends and socialise.  After lunch it's time for a nap for the younger children or a quiet story for the older children.


12.30pm - 4.30pm


More opportunities for play and learning are offered from our vast supply of age appropriate toys and equipment, encouraging your child to gain many skills.  An afternoon snack and refreshment is offered to the children around 2pm.




Tea is served in our individual rooms.  Our staff are enthusiastic about encouraging the children try new types of food and develop new skills, whether it be feeding themselves for the first time or helping to lay the table and serve their friends.


5.00pm - 7.00pm


Children gradually start to go home during this last part of the day - but there is no time to stop - learning opportunities continue throughout the evening until all the children have gone home.


(Please note that this routine is flexible and is adapted to suit the needs of each individual child.  Babies in Smiles room will often follow their own personal routine which has already been established at home)


This website was last updated 16/04/2024

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Copyright © Small Wonders Day Nursery Springfield/Woodham (1998-2020)