Day Nursery, Pre-School and Out of Schools
Day Nursery, Pre-School and Out of Schools

Smiles Room - Birth to 18 Months


Smiles provides the children with stimulating sensory experiences and activities that they can select themselves. The babies have daily access to the garden or local community in the 6 seat    turtle buses.



Babies have lots of floor space for learning to roll, crawl and walk while exploring the range of fun activities provided throughout the day.

Joy Room - 18 Months to 2 Years


Joy provides the children with a variety of table top, adult led and self selection floor actvities reflecting their interests. The children access the garden daily or go out and about to the park or library in the 6 seat turtle buses.

Turtle Buses


Our under 3 year olds benefit from having 2 6 seater turtle buses and double buggies so we are able to enjoy what our local community offers such as story times at the library and local parks.

Happy Room - 2 Years - 3 Years


Happy enables children to develop their social skills and independence through self selection of toys that reflect their interests. Happy leads onto a covered decking area and playground that the children access daily or alternativiely enjoy using the turtle buses to visit the local community.

Happy Room - 2 Years - 3 Years


Our quiet room where children share stories and have small group time with their key person and friends.

Laughter Pre-school Room -

3yrs - Rising 5's


Our pre-school provides opportunities for children to extend upon their previous learning and gain new skills in preparation for school such as self service at mealtimes. We enjoy walks to the park and exploring our community.



Children in our pre school have access to a covered free flow garden giving them the choice to play either inside or outside.

Out of School Care


Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club operate in their own building, benefiting from a self contained kitchen area and plenty of space for games, crafts and activities. It leads to an enclosed garden giving the children the choice to play inside or outside.

Outside Space


The children benefit from several outside play spaces. Our decking area in the back garden has a roof to ensure that all children have daily acess to outdoor play whatever the weather.

We welcome families to visit our nursery. Please contact us to make an appointment.


This website was last updated 16/04/2024

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Copyright © Small Wonders Day Nursery Springfield/Woodham (1998-2020)