Day Nursery, Pre-School and Out of Schools
Day Nursery, Pre-School and Out of Schools


Thank you for visiting our website and we hope that all your questions will be answered.  Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.


You say you love your children,

and want them to learn today.

So do I!

That's why I'm providing,

lots of kinds of play.


You're asking me the value,

of blocks and other play?

Your children are solving problems,

they will use that skill every day.


You're asking what's the value,

of having children's play?

Your daughter's creating a tower,

she may be a builder one day.


You're saying you don't want your son,

playing that 'sissy' way.

He's learning to cuddle a doll,

he may be a father one day.


You're asking me about the interest centres,

they look like useless play.

Your children are making choices,

they'll be on their own one day.


You're worried your children aren't 

learning, and later they'll play.

They'll learn a pattern of learning,

for they'll be learners always.


Author unknown


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Copyright © Small Wonders Day Nursery Springfield/Woodham (1998-2025)